Edumarketer Tip #126: Topic Tips for Video Recording

Uncategorized Sep 21, 2021

If you want to create an engaging video, there are many parts at play! You need to come up with a topic, check the video quality, lighting, composition, position, etc. 

The first thing is coming up with a topic.  Don’t let the idea of brainstorming topics scare you -- It’s not as hard as it seems! Here are a few tips for creating video topics.

1. Start with your Customers 

Have you been asked the same question multiple times by different clients? Start there. Go back and think about what your customers and prospects ask most often or which questions they have unanswered that could be the basis for a useful tutorial. 

2. Think about Your Partners

Is there a new process for something in your company? Create a video walking them through the new and/or updated process! Most people are visual learners and learning the new process through a video will help them retain the information better than they would if it were in text.

3. Look at Your Products

Here are some ideas of topics to start brainstorming: 

  • How can I use this product? 
  • Which one should I buy? 

Think about what common customer inquiries have been too difficult for them in person so far, then film yourself answering those queries before filming any actual content on how the products work.


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