Edumarketer Tip #128: How to Do a Split Screen on Zoom to Record a Power Point Presentation and Your Video at the Same Time

Uncategorized Sep 21, 2021

Zoom offers the ability for you to easily record a video and share your screen at the same time.   There are a few tricks to getting your Zoom settings dialed in so that you can show your screen and your video at the same time.  We’ve made some simple step by step instructions and created a video to help you set up your Zoom App to allow you to do a Split Screen on Zoom.

Let’s begin by setting up your settings in the Zoom App.  

  1. Do Not Go To webpage
  2. Go to Your Zoom App and Update your Zoom App Settings
  3. Check on Record Video During Screen Sharing under Recording Section
  4. Do NOT Check Place Video Next to the Shared Screen in the Recording under Recording Section
  5. Under Screen Sharing Section, Check all Settings

Now that you have your Zoom settings in place, let’s hop on over to the Zoom meeting room and show how to show your screen.

Once you are in your meeting:

1. Click on the green Share Screen and share your screen.

2. Open your Power Point and under Slide Show Select your Monitor that you want to show your presentation on.

3. Click on User Presenter View

4. Do Your Presentation

If you need any help or would like additional guidance on how to use Zoom and other apps to record your videos, you can reach out to us at [email protected]


50% Complete

Two Step

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