Client Spotlight On: Mark Teran

Uncategorized Aug 10, 2022

A couple of times a month we share with you a "Spotlight" video from one of our clients. Our goal is to help you be inspired and get ideas to create more videos.

Please enjoy this weeks spotlight video from Mark Teran with American Pacific Mortgage.

Click HERE to Subscribe to Mark's YouTube Channel

Always pass on what you have learned!

Ginger Bell

CEO & Founder, Edumarketing


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Client Spotlight On: Brad Hamblen

Uncategorized Jul 27, 2022

A couple of times a month we share with you a "Spotlight" video from one of our clients. Our goal is to help you be inspired and get ideas to create more videos.

Please enjoy this week's spotlight video from Brad Hamblen with Cardinal Financial Limited Partnership.

Click HERE to Subscribe to Brad's YouTube Channel

Always pass on what you have learned!

Ginger Bell

CEO & Founder, Edumarketing


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Weekly Tips to Keep You on Top of Your Video Game

Uncategorized Jul 20, 2022

Video is expected to represent 82% of all web traffic.

Think about that… 82% of ALL web traffic will be to-and-from video. Add to that the statistic that says 90% of all consumers say “video” played a part in their buying decision and it should be clear that adopting or expanding a video strategy should be important for any business operating today.

But what if you think your business, “…isn’t right,” for video? Or maybe you believe video will be too expensive to do well?

Nearly every business can use some form of video to help grow the business and it can be done easily and inexpensively, too!

Below are seven different types of videos that businesses can use to expand and grow:

One: Sales/Promo Video

This is the most common type of video people think about when they think about business videos. Basically, this is a “commercial” — between 30 and 90 seconds — that “sells” a product or service. These...

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Client Spotlight On: Michele Poulin

Uncategorized Jul 13, 2022

A couple of times a month we share with you a "Spotlight" video from one of our clients. Our goal is to help you be inspired and get ideas to create more videos.

Please enjoy this weeks spotlight video from Michele Poulin with Homestar Financial Corporation.

Click HERE to Subscribe to Michele's YouTube Channel

Always pass on what you have learned!

Ginger Bell

CEO & Founder, Edumarketing

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Weekly Tips to Keep You on Top of Your Video Game!

Uncategorized Jul 06, 2022

You Are Your BRAND!

Branding is a very common element of a marketing campaign and has been for many years. We all recognize the power of international brands like Nike, Coca-Cola, and Apple. Personal branding, on the other hand, is a little bit less well-understood.

Rather than focusing on a business, personal branding seeks to help an individual build a powerful brand. Think Tony Robbins or Oprah. That brand can stand for anything, though for most business owners credibility and expertise are significant components.

From time to time, I am asked why personal branding is so valuable--why a business owner should focus on their personal brand instead of simply their company brand.

Below are three important answers to this question:

People buy people. When it comes to choosing a business to purchase from, consumers have consistently demonstrated that they prefer to do business with others that they know and trust. Where a company can sometimes seem "faceless" or anonymous, an...

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National Homeownership Month!

Uncategorized Jun 29, 2022

June 29th

Keep the conversation going! Think about how you can flip the script and talk about Homeownership rather than just mortgages. What would your videos look like? What would your marketing look like? Continue talking about Homeownership and look for ways to continue to promote Homeownership in your community!

We’ve taken our Homeownership Trivia Graphics and added just a #Homeownership to them. Download the file by clicking the button below. We will give you 30 Homeownership Trivia social graphics you can use throughout the year.

Thanks for helping us spread the word about Homeownership!


Click HERE for Mortgage Trivia Graphics

Ginger Bell

CEO & Founder, Edumarketing

PS: Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways we can help you create more videos to connect with your borrowers and partners.

1. Book Your Complimentary Strategy Call to learn how to create more videos that will bring you more business - schedule a call here.

2. Subscribe to...

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National Homeownership Month!

Uncategorized Jun 22, 2022

June 22nd

Homeownership Trivia

In honor of June Homeownership Month, we thought we’d share some Homeownership Trivia.

To find out more about June Homeownership Month go to

  1. The highest interest rates were in October 1981, a whopping 18.45 percent.
  2. The concept of a housewarming party began due to the need to literally warm up the house. Guests brought firewood for the new fireplace.
  3. New York homeowners are required to comply with a “Ghostbusters Ruling” when listing their property for sale. This involves disclosing whether any ghosts inhabit or frequently visit the home.
  4. In the first month of January 2021, more than 993,000 new houses were sold in the US. This is an increase of 4% compared to previous month and an increase of 19.3% compared to one year before.
  5. When you first enter your new house, bring bread so those in the home will never know hunger.
  6. When you move into a new home, throw away your old broom and get yourself a...
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National Homeownership Month!

Uncategorized Jun 15, 2022

June 15th

June is National Homeownership Month

Here are some ideas on how you can celebrate Homeownership Month:

Contact a Local Radio or News Station

Radio stations are always looking for local news. Contact your local stations and offer to host a series of programs during June to discuss key homeownership subjects such as advancements in home construction or green building techniques. Involve several members with different specialties to address the wide range of questions that callers may have.

Contact Your Local Newspapers

Newspapers are always looking for content ideas. Contact your newspaper and offer to write articles talking about homeownership in your community. Invite local builders and real estate agents to write articles about what they are seeing or working on. Create a special homeownership section.

Showcase Local Projects

Videotape successful and innovative housing developments in your area that are using new technologies or green building techniques. You could create...

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National Homeownership Month!

Uncategorized Jun 08, 2022

June 8th

June is National Homeownership Month

Here are some ideas on how you can celebrate Homeownership Month:

Host a Community Homeownership Forum

Organize a housing forum (in person or virtually) to provide an opportunity for public and industry leaders to examine and discuss the state of the housing situation in your community. Ask experts such as a mortgage banker, an economist from the local college, and a realtor to speak. Invite the media and the public to attend.

Contact Your Local Chamber of Commerce

Let your local Chamber know that it is National Homeownership Month and offer to host a webinar or event talking about homeownership in your community. You could write an article for their newsletter or find out how else you can help them talk about the importance of homeownership.

Interview a State or Congressional Member

Contact your state representatives and ask if you can sit down and do a video interview with them talking about the state of the housing industry in your...

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June is Homeownership Month!

Uncategorized Jun 01, 2022

June 1st

June is National Homeownership Month

National Homeownership Week began in 1995, which was a strategy of the administration under President Bill Clinton to increase homeownership across America.

In 2002, President George W. Bush expanded the period of observance from a week to the entire month of June.

We’ve created several Social Media Videos and Graphics that you can download and share with your network. Go to and register to get all the social media graphics.

Let’s celebrate Homeownership!

Ginger Bell

CEO & Founder, Edumarketing

PS: Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways we can help you create more videos to connect with your borrowers and partners.

1. Book Your Complimentary Strategy Call to learn how to create more videos that will bring you more business - schedule a call here.

2. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to learn more about creating videos - listen here.

3. Join Us in Our Facebook...

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