Weekly Tips to Keep You on Top of Your Video Game

Uncategorized May 25, 2022

Know Your Audience!

You can’t create knockout videos without first making a plan of what you are going to talk about. You can hire a professional video production team who comes in and shoots video and you can hire editors who will edit and produce your videos, but most video production staff do not have the industry expertise to help you create your content. Taking the time to plan your videos will not only save you time, but money, too.

Let’s begin with tip number one:

Figure Out Your Audience

We offer a lot of different products in the mortgage industry and you cannot make a video about everything, so knowing who you are targeting as your audience is critical. We have first-time homebuyers, investors, veterans and retirees. There are those who want to refinance a home and those who want to buy a home. You can create content for consumers or real estate agents. Don’t ever fall into the trap of assuming that all consumers want to see the same content. They...

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Client Spotlight On: Kristin Graham

Uncategorized May 18, 2022

A couple of times a month we share with you a "Spotlight" video from one of our clients. Our goal is to help you be inspired and get ideas to create more videos.

Please enjoy this weeks spotlight video from Kristin Graham with Caliber Home Loans.

Click HERE to subscribe to Kristin's YouTube Channel

Always pass on what you have learned!

Ginger Bell

CEO & Founder, Edumarketing

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Weekly Tips to Keep You on Top of Your Video Game

Uncategorized May 11, 2022


If you’re looking for ways to stand out in your local market,  we’ve got three tips that will help you outshine your competitors. The mortgage industry is full of lenders who similar loan programs, products, and interest rates—so offering a unique value proposition is important. There are several ways for you to stand out above your competition with little effort and in this article, we share three tips to standing out! 


Tip 1: Create a Strong Personal Brand

One of the best things you can do to stand out is to create a strong personal brand for yourself.    The more personal you get; the more people will connect with you and your services. We’re inundated with content in our inbox, in our feeds, and even our text messages, but what gets people’s attention is content that makes them feel that they are connected with a person, not a mortgage company.

Branding for the mortgage industry...

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Client Spotlight On: Jeff Garber

Uncategorized May 04, 2022

A couple of times a month we share with you a "Spotlight" video from one of our clients. Our goal is to help you be inspired and get ideas to create more videos.

Please enjoy this weeks spotlight video from Jeff Garber with Jeff Garber Mortgage.

Click HERE to subscribe to Jeff's YouTube Channel

Always pass on what you have learned!

Ginger Bell

CEO & Founder, Edumarketing

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BombBomb Podcast with Ginger Bell

Edumarketing: More Teaching, Less Selling

Click HERE to listen to the podcast

Nobody wants to be sold to, but nearly all of us are open to learning something helpful.

To create a customer journey that drives revenue and fosters advocacy and loyalty, brands need to understand what prospective customers and current customers want to know from the beginning — and through expert education, teach them what they want to learn.

What can your prospects and customers learn from your content? How can you help them? And how can you strategically connect that education to your bottom line? That’s edumarketing.

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Weekly Tips to Keep You on Top of Your Video Game

Uncategorized Apr 27, 2022

Homebot has added a new feature for you to upload personalized videos into your dashboard. We’ve been helping our clients record their videos to upload into Homebot and thought we’d share the list of videos and how to upload your videos. Have fun! Remember, the more your clients see you, the more they know you!

Below is a list of the Homebot Videos you can make as well as some examples.

1. Homeowner Intro


2. Intro to Refi


3. New Home


4. Buyer Intro


5. Prequalification


6. Should You Sell


7. AVM Alert - High Demand Market

8. Your Market - In High Demand


9. Rent and Buy Another


10. Sell & Pocket the Cash

11. Investment Property


12. Your Market - Balanced

13. Your Market - Cool

Ginger Bell

CEO & Founder,...

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Client Spotlight On: Chris Carr

Uncategorized Apr 20, 2022

A couple of times a month we share with you a "Spotlight" video from one of our clients. Our goal is to help you be inspired and get ideas to create more videos.

Please enjoy this weeks spotlight video from Chris Carr with Freedom Home Loans.

Chris's YouTube Channel

Always pass on what you have learned!

Ginger Bell

CEO & Founder, Edumarketing

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Weekly Tips to Keep You on Top of Your Video Game

Uncategorized Apr 13, 2022

We’ve been making it easy to record mortgage videos with our weekly scripts for the past few years. It has been a great joy to see originators who were terrified to create a video be able to record weekly videos.

In this week's tip, we share a video on how to download scripts from our Edumarketing Toolbox and upload them into a teleprompter app on your phone.

We also have links to the teleprompter apps on our website at www.edumarketing.com/equipment

Ginger Bell

CEO & Founder, Edumarketing

PS: Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways we can help you create more videos to connect with your borrowers and partners.

1. Book Your Complimentary Strategy Call to learn how to create more videos that will bring you more business - schedule a call here.

2. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to learn more about creating videos - listen here.

3. Join Us in Our Facebook Group, “Mortgage Video Mastermind” to learn from other industry leaders and other...

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Client Spotlight On: Mike Henson

Uncategorized Apr 06, 2022

A couple of times a month we share with you a "Spotlight" video from one of our clients. Our goal is to help you be inspired and get ideas to create more videos.

Please enjoy this weeks spotlight video from Mike Henson with Kings Mortgage Services, Inc.

Mike's YouTube Channel

Always pass on what you have learned!

Ginger Bell

CEO & Founder, Edumarketing

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Weekly Tips to Keep You on Top of Your Video Game

Uncategorized Mar 30, 2022

Three Quick Content Ideas for Short Videos

While it’s important to create longer 2-5 minute videos to explain programs and updates in our mortgage process, you should be creating short 3 to 30 second videos to engage with your audience on social media. I know, not our favorite thing to do, but if you want to build your database, it’s a great way to find new borrowers. So, let’s look at three quick content ideas to help you create short videos.

One: You Don’t Always Have to Be on Camera

Good news, right?! The next time you’re at an open house or realtor listing, take out your phone and record five to 10 2-to-3-second clips on your phone. This might be a short clip of the kitchen, the backyard, opening the front door, walking to the home, etc. Your voice does not need to be on camera, and you don’t need to be on camera. Now, on your phone you have a handful of clips of a house.

Open up TikTok or Instagram Reels, add some trending music and a little...

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