Who Is Your Ideal Customer?
Step One: Identify Your Ideal Customer
Ideal Customer(s):
You’re ready to start filming. Follow these four basic tips to increase the production value of your mobile content.
1. Phone video settings
You’d be surprised how much a few switch-flips can make a difference when it comes to capturing beautiful mobile video. If your phone’s relatively new, we’re willing to bet it’s got the ability to capture video in 4k (fancy!), you just probably need to select it in settings.
Head to your mobile camera settings to check out the recording specs available to you to instantly bump up your video quality. (Heads up, iPhone users — make your videos even more gorgeous by changing these iPhone video settings.) Click HERE for instructions.
2. Lighting for mobile video recording
Always make sure there’s more light in front of your subject than behind them. It’s more important that your subject is lit nicely than your background and if possible, shoot in shady or overcast conditions. That’ll help keep...
We know you’re eager to know how to make a video with your phone, but if you want something really polished, you need to think about your content before you hit record. Here are three key things to keep in mind:
1. Start strong
One of the most important things is to grab the viewer’s attention near the beginning of the video. As humans rapidly devolve into goldfish, our attention spans aren’t quite what they used to be. Create a sense of engagement upfront to make people want to continue watching. Want to hold them for the duration of the video? Keep it short and sweet and get to the point.
2. Map it out
To help you get there, make sure you map out your beginning, middle, and end. Making a video is like getting lost in a corn maze, it’s not so bad if you have a plan, but if you don’t, you’ll be stuck in there munching on raw corn until it gets dark and security pulls you out. Okay, so mobile video production isn’t exactly like a corn maze.
It is with deep sadness and a heavy heart that I watch the events unfolding in Afghanistan. I’m sure many of you feel the same. While the situations are arguably very different, I can’t help but draw a few parallels between what the people are facing there and the experience of a good friend of mine, Ramy Romany while fleeing Egypt with his family during the 2011 Revolution.
As a Christian Egyptian married to a white woman, Ramy was automatically considered an infidel by the Muslim Brotherhood who were rising up to take control of Egypt. Ramy and his family were lucky enough to make it to the United States unharmed.
Years later, my friend, Nick Nanton, who directed the documentary I co-produced for Folds of Honor, sat down and interviewed Ramy. His story was riveting, and reminded me that we all must have hope.
Although, the stories you have to tell do not hopefully involve as much drama, you do have stories, as do your borrowers. Think about how you can share those...
Zoom offers the ability for you to easily record a video and share your screen at the same time. There are a few tricks to getting your Zoom settings dialed in so that you can show your screen and your video at the same time. We’ve made some simple step by step instructions and created a video to help you set up your Zoom App to allow you to do a Split Screen on Zoom.
Let’s begin by setting up your settings in the Zoom App.
Now that you have your Zoom settings in place, let’s hop on over to the Zoom meeting room and show how to show your screen.
Once you are in your meeting:
1. Click on the green Share Screen and share your screen.
2. Open your...
1. Shoot Horizontally
Computers are formatted to view videos horizontally. If you’re shooting on your phone, make sure to shoot horizontally. This produces an overall better quality video and also allows for more of the scene to be in the frame.
2. Shoot in 4k
If possible, record your videos in 4k. This quality was made for videos and allows for an amazingly clear and beautiful video, especially if you’re zooming in on something. It also allows for a much deeper and truer color tone. This is great because you really get the true colors that are in the shot.
3. Start and End with a Smile
Always remember to look at the camera lens at the beginning of your video and smile. It is the first thing someone will see when they watch your video and it will help to make a connection. At the end of your video, do the same thing. Pause, look at the camera, smile and thank them for watching.
Formatting your video is not difficult, you just...
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