Client Spotlight On: Alisha DiMaggio

Uncategorized Oct 19, 2022

A couple of times a month we share with you a "Spotlight" video from one of our clients. Our goal is to help you be inspired and get ideas to create more videos.

Please enjoy this week's spotlight video from Alisha DiMaggio.

Click HERE to Subscribe to Alisha's YouTube Channel

Always pass on what you have learned!

Ginger Bell

CEO & Founder, Edumarketing

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Weekly Tips to Keep You On Top of Your Video Game

Uncategorized Oct 12, 2022


There are a lot of options when you decide to develop a video content marketing strategy and making video content might seem intimidating at first, but don’t worry. These 10 tips will help get you started in the right direction.


‍As with any good strategy, your video marketing strategy should start with clear goals. With video you can engage and inform your audience as they consider your products and services. Your videos can guide customers to the decision to buy.

Lastly, you can use video to delight and retain your customers so that they buy more. Different types of video content can fit right into that funnel and support your strategic goals.


‍A video content marketing strategy is not really complete without YouTube. You’re probably already well aware of the dominance YouTube has over other streaming video services. Chances are, you’re just like...

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Client Spotlight On: Tom Kalagher

Uncategorized Oct 05, 2022

A couple of times a month we share with you a "Spotlight" video from one of our clients. Our goal is to help you be inspired and get ideas to create more videos.

Please enjoy this weeks spotlight video from Tom Kalagher with Fairhope Mortgage.

Click HERE to Subscribe to Tom's YouTube Channel

Always pass on what you have learned!

Ginger Bell

CEO & Founder, Edumarketing

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Weekly Tips to Keep You On Top of Your Video Game

Uncategorized Sep 28, 2022

5 Ideas For Live Video Content

I do a live video every week for our Mortgage Video Mastermind Facebook Group. One of the things I love about doing live video every week is that each week is different, and I have gotten ok with things not being perfect. I’ve recorded videos beside swimming pools while I am traveling and sitting in a parka outside during COVID. Doing live video content is much easier than you think.

Below are five ideas you can use to create live video content. Try one of them this week and let me know how it goes. I am also including a video interview script for you to use when recording a video with one of your real estate partners. Click the button below to download the script.

1. Q&A's

The easiest kind of live content to create is live Q and A sessions where you ask your audience for questions, and you answer them as they come.

If you’re just getting started and don’t have a big audience yet you can position the Q and A session as a...

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Client Spotlight On: David McClintock

Uncategorized Sep 21, 2022

A couple of times a month we share with you a "Spotlight" video from one of our clients. Our goal is to help you be inspired and get ideas to create more videos.

Please enjoy this week's spotlight video from Mike Smith with Homestar.

Click HERE to Subscribe to David's YouTube Channel

Always pass on what you have learned!

Ginger Bell

CEO & Founder, Edumarketing

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Weekly Tips to Keep You On Top of Your Video Game

Uncategorized Sep 14, 2022


We talk about personal branding strategies regularly in this space. But every once in a while, it's a good idea to remind ourselves why we're working so hard to build a strong brand.

Below are some of the primary benefits of a powerful personal brand:


If you're a mortgage professional, for instance, the last thing you want to do every time you come in contact with a potential client is to convince them of your expertise.

If you've built your personal brand right, you'll be seen as an expert before you even meet.

Your website, your staff, your marketing materials, your YouTube, your social media, your videos... everything works together to position you as the expert in your area of practice—so by the time you meet a client in person, your expert status is unquestioned. This is also important when it comes to referrals, other professionals don't want to refer their clients to anyone but the best. A strong personal brand makes it...

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Client Spotlight On: Mike Smith

Uncategorized Sep 07, 2022

A couple of times a month we share with you a "Spotlight" video from one of our clients. Our goal is to help you be inspired and get ideas to create more videos.

Please enjoy this week's spotlight video from Mike Smith with Homestar.

Click HERE to Subscribe to Mike's YouTube Channel

Always pass on what you have learned!

Ginger Bell

CEO & Founder, Edumarketing

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Weekly Tips to Keep You on Top of Your Video Game

Uncategorized Aug 31, 2022


Have you ever recorded a video with your phone and realized that the letters in your background are backwards? Want to know how to make your letters look the right way when you are recording on your phone?

Watch this video to find out:

Want to do more videos? Struggling with how to record, edit and produce your videos? We can Help! Our Virtual Video Producer allows you to shoot your video and then let us take over from there. You shoot the video, we make it awesome! If you’d like help with your video, connect with us at

Click HERE to schedule a meeting.

Ginger Bell

CEO & Founder, Edumarketing

PS: Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways we can help you create more videos to connect with your borrowers and partners.

1. Book Your Complimentary Strategy Call to learn how to create more videos that will bring you more business - schedule a...

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Client Spotlight On: Clay Selland

Uncategorized Aug 24, 2022

A couple of times a month we share with you a "Spotlight" video from one of our clients. Our goal is to help you be inspired and get ideas to create more videos.

Please enjoy this week's spotlight video from Clay Selland with Signet Mortgage.

Click HERE to Subscribe to Clay's YouTube Channel

Always pass on what you have learned!

Ginger Bell

CEO & Founder, Edumarketing

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Weekly Tips to Keep You on Top of Your Video Game

Uncategorized Aug 17, 2022


Are you looking for a marketing idea to make you stand out?  Make a video about something that is being talked about in the news:

There is a lot in the news these days about the real estate market, interest rates and how housing prices are increasing.  So, why not put yourself in the middle of the conversation and make a video about a hot news topic.  We call it News Jacking and, in this video, I share three ideas for you to go make a video about today.  

Why Raising Interest Rates Slows Down Inflation  

Pro’s and Con’s of Waiting Out This Hot Market

What’s Happening in Your Local Market  

We can help you stand out!  We’ve helped hundreds of mortgage professionals with their marketing, branding, and video production. ...

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