June is National Homeownership Month! National Homeownership Week began in 1995, which was a strategy of the administration under President Bill Clinton to increase homeownership across America. In 2002, President George W. Bush expanded the period of observance from a week to the entire month of June.
Mortgage Industry veteran, Ginger Bell has made it a mission to raise awareness of Homeownership Month by creating free social media graphics, homeownership trivia posts and videos for mortgage and real estate professionals to share with their networks. Join in sharing your stories of Homeownership.
To find out more about June Homeownership Month go to www.JuneHomeownershipMonth.com.
YouTube recently added Podcast Playlists to their channels and you should take note! Podcasts are a great way to build your business as a mortgage professional. It's easy to invite a real estate agent onto a zoom meeting, record it and presto, you have a video podcast recording! If you've been thinking about starting a podcast, we can help!
Did you know that June is National Homeownership Month? Why am I telling you in May? Because I want you to start preparing now. Seriously! Think about what you can set up this month to promote June Homeownership Month! I have a list of ideas below and in the video I made. Don't wait! BTW, email me your ideas and share what you are doing! I LOVE hearing about what you are doing!
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