Client Spotlight On: Dave Steinberg

Uncategorized Jan 12, 2022

A couple of times a month we share with you a "Spotlight" video from one of our clients. Our goal is to help you be inspired and get ideas to create more videos.

Please enjoy this weeks spotlight video from Dave Steinberg with Summit Funding.

Dave's Youtube Channel

Always pass on what you have learned!

Ginger Bell

CEO & Founder, Edumarketing

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Weekly Tips to Keep You on Top of Your Video Game

Uncategorized Jan 05, 2022

Drop Zillow and Add Video to Your Marketing Budget

I was having a conversation with a new client the other day, who is a branch manager for a team of about 11 originators.  He shared with me that he was cancelling his Zillow and Google GEO Caching for the year to add video to his marketing.  He said he had absolutely no results from either and knew he needed to get into video.  It made me think about how many times do we honestly look at the services we are using and how they are working for us.  So, where can you cut your advertising budget to increase doing video?  Could it be with Zillow or Facebook Ads or something else.  As we build our marketing plans for the coming year, look at where you can cut something to add something.  

Here are some statistics to help you validate doing more with video this year: (from Wyzowl)

  1. 94% of video marketers say video has help increase user understanding of their product.
  2. 78% of video marketers say video...
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Edumarketer Tip #142: Top Ten Video Recording Tips for 2022

Uncategorized Dec 08, 2021

It’s that time of the year for tips for 2022!  I hope that you make this the year you finally start recording videos!  To  help you record more videos, we’ve made a top ten tip list to recording video.


Here they are:

Number Ten: Know your message.

Number Nine: Know  your audience.

Number Eight: Know your call to action.

Number Seven: Know your channel.

Number Six: Think in points.

Number Five: Record on your phone.

Number Four: Record where you are.

Number Three: S.O.S. – Smile,  Open, Smile.

Number Two: Shoot and send.

Number One: Just do it!


If you need help crafting your message, check out our Edumarketing Toolbox.  We give you monthly scripts and videos that will help you record videos like a pro!

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Edumarketer Tip #141: Scheduling Time to Record Videos

Uncategorized Dec 01, 2021

You want to record videos and you probably have some amazing ideas about the videos you want to record, but you simply cannot find the time to do it. We’ve all been there. In fact, we even find it difficult to find time to record videos and we are in the video recording business.

Here are some top tips to schedule time to record your videos.

  1. Have your equipment and recording are set up and ready to go. If you have a place where you can easily record a quick video you will be more likely to record a video. It doesn’t have to be a big fancy studio.  It can be in your office on your computer or outside on your phone. The main thing is that you have easy access to your phone, computer camera or digital and you are set up with a mic and way to record. As long as you have your phone with you, you have a way to record a video and the quality on most phones are great, so just pick up your phone and record.  
  2. The next thing is to schedule time in your calendar for...
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Edumarketer Tip #140: Educational Marketing Content

Uncategorized Nov 24, 2021

You can create educational marketing content in many different ways.  We talk a lot about video, because we need more video in our industry and it is new, but there are many other means to educate that have been used for a long time.  I love leveraging my educational marketing content with blogs, handouts and webinars. 


There are many options for creating edumarketing content. You may write a blog post or create a video for your YouTube channel. You may create a check list to use to capture leads on your website or an online course for your eLearning site. You may create a PowerPoint slide deck to use in a webinar or you may use the topic as a discussion in your podcast. You can develop several different deliverables for each topic. The most important thing to remember is to take your topic and write your content, then develop your deliverables. Yes, this process does take a bit of up-front work, but once you have done it, you will be thankful because you will...

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Edumarketer Tip #139: Creating Content Headlines

Uncategorized Nov 17, 2021

In Tip #138, we went through identifying topics.  Once you have a general idea of a topic, you will want a catchy headline to use to title your video.  Let’s look at how to create content headlines. 

Write the Content Headlines You Can Build For Each Topic

Let’s drill down on questions, answers and information your prospects and customers are looking for. Content headlines become the headline that will show up in online searches or articles you write. The content headline is what will grab the attention of the viewer. 

Let’s look at an example of the topic: Investment Properties for our Real Estate Agent:

Take a few minutes with one of your topics and write out some ideas for content you can develop. If you are looking for ideas, go to Google and type in your topic. Google will tell you what people are asking for, and you can begin developing your content ideas from there. 

Your headline is what will attract the viewer to read, watch or...

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Edumarketer Tip #138: Write Down General Topics

Uncategorized Nov 10, 2021

The content you develop will help to educate your prospects and customers and answer questions they have regarding your products and/or services.  Coming up with different content is not hard when you have a list of topics to pull from.  You should always have a list of topics.  If you want help in coming up with topics, we have written a 52 Week Video Planner Guide that will help you create videos, by giving you a topic for each week.  You can find it on Amazon by clicking HERE or on our website HERE.  

Write Down General Topics

If you are a mortgage professional, your topic may be saving money for a down payment, or benefits of buying vs. renting. Write out several topics. The idea is to discover what topics you want to start building your content around.  You don’t have to do anything more than just write down topics. Take a few minutes and write down at least five topics. You may come up with more than five topics. Just focus on your...

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Edumarketer Tip #137: Identifying Referral Partners

Uncategorized Nov 03, 2021

You should always leverage your videos and use them to help build your business with your referral partners. 

Sharing your videos with your referral partners is one of the primary reasons to create videos and you should integrate creating edumarketing campaigns for your referral partners and existing customers. Let’s not forget that your customers are not just those who buy one time from you. Your existing customers can and may be a great referral source for you. They can also be repeat customers, so you will want to look at building long-term edumarketing plans for your existing customers to continue to buy from you in the future. By being that resource and trusted expert, you will build customers for life!

Identifying Referral Partners

Yes, you guessed it—another activity for you to complete. Every business, no matter who you are and the product or service you offer, has potential partners. If you are a mortgage originator, your partners are real estate agents....

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Edumarketer Tip #136: Identifying Your Product Offerings

Uncategorized Oct 27, 2021

In the past several tips we’ve identified your expertise, by answering who you are, what problems you solve, and what your customer looks like, now we will move onIdentifying your product offerings. There are a ton of products available in the mortgage industry and you may already specialize in an area like VA, Reverse or Renovation. It’s good to know your product offerings to help your customers know you. Let’s look at what that looks like. 

Edumarketing can bring your business and customers together. Understanding those two elements is the foundation of identifying what your customers want to know about. The first steps to take are to answer the following questions:

1.Who is your ideal customer? (Remember your customer segments)

2.What do they want?

3.What are your products and services?

4.What problems do your products and services solve for your customers?

5.What questions do you answer?

Who Is Your Ideal Customer?

We ...

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Edumarketer Tip #135: Identify the Problems You Solve

Uncategorized Oct 20, 2021

In Tip#134, you identified your ideal customer. The next step in creating video content is to identify the problems you solve. Your customers have problems. Your customers have questions and guess what? You have solutions and answers for them. Using that information is the key to building your edumarketing plan. First, you need to understand what those problems and questions are, so let’s get started. To drill down on your expertise, answer the following questions:

1.What problems do you solve?

2.What questions do you answer? Let’s answer these questions using our young mortgage professionals as examples:


What problems do you solve?


The problems that these young mortgage professionals solve is the ability to relate to a young demographic. The average age of real estate agents is over 55. The industry is also seeing delays in young professionals buying homes because of perception of what happened...

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